Economy & Policies of Culture
I have had multiple opportunities to think about economy of culture and cultural policies.
Reflection and action enrich each other
The experience and education of a senior official are valuable assets. They help reflecting on culture and among others, from an economic point of view. This approach is usually set aside in France. Practice and responsibilities enrich this reflection, which is essential to being in charge. A leader of the cultural industry has to intimately understand the key factors and challenges of arts, whether it means defending artistic activities to the authorities or fighting public battles. For instance, I got into one in favor of fairer payment of artists on the Internet. It kept me busy for such a long time at the Adami.
My work in various forms
A book, Richesse Invisibles (Invisible Treasures) (First, 1998), which enlists multiple reasons why one should promote arts;
Missions for the Ministry of Culture, and in particular two reports on digitised heritage and vie-presidency of the board of studies;
A class “Économie et Politiquede la Culture” (Econnomy and Politics of Culture) at Sciences Po (French Institute of Political Sciences);
Articles, participations in books, conferences and symposiae…