Piano & Concerts
Ever since I turned 8, I have practiced the piano every day. It is a corner stone to my life, an infinite cause of joy and personal balance, of multiple emotions, beautiful encounters and golden hours.
Marie-Rose Clouzot to whom I owe most of my music education, used to say when going through my music sheet reserve:
“A whole life is not enough” . Jeannine Bonjean, my music teacher at École Normale Alfred Cortot used to say “Playing the piano is never losing time”.
Two publications that show these sentences were true :
- An excerpt from my book Richesses Invisibles (First, 1997), named “the corner stone of my life”
“Piano, my playground”, an article published in La Cause du Désir (special music edition, April 2016)
Marie-Rose Clouzot
Jeannine Bonjean