In the woods, we are at the time of the year where you can see the furthest, just before the big hatching. You can already glimpse the coming edition of the Festival des forêts, from 19th June until 15th July 2020 : twenty concerts, numerous meetings, walks and...
In the Cour des compte’s annual public report that has just been issued, a chapter about the Postal Service mentions strenuous challenges, mainly the mail’s drop (see picture), and the hard competition on parcels market. The Cour des comptes therefore invites La Poste...
Christophe Girard, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of culture and Jeanne d’Hauteserre, mayor of the 8th precinct : these two important personalities visited the Médiathèque Musicale Mahler. They payed attention to the projects, especially the reshaping of the...
The construction work as just begun in the building in Paris (8e) that Henri-Louis de la Grange bequeathed. At the beginning of 2021, wonderful premises shall be available for researchers, musicians and amateurs : reserves, reading rooms, concert and conference room,...
During five day, within the frame of the 27th Festival des forêts, the young composers Valentin Jansen, Stéphane Gassot, Gaëtan Pavlin and Ana Giurgiu (on the left of the picture) lived and worked with Thierry Escaich in the Villa du Châtelet, Léo Delibes’ house in...
The board of the Médiathèque Musicale Mahler elected me as chairman on 7th November 2018. Maurice Fleuret – the inventor of the Fête de la Musique – and Henri-Louis de la Grange, the well-known musicologist, founded the Médiathèque Musicale Mahler, which is located in...